Saturday, February 25, 2012

Two Breakfast (or lunch, or dinner...) Options

Spinach & Mushroom Omelette

"Italian" Tofu Scramble

Lately, I have been so busy with student teaching and a full load of graduate classes that it has been difficult to keep up with this blog.  Fortunately, even with a packed schedule, it's easy to make time for whipping up these two dishes, which are both nutritious and very satisfying. Recipes after the jump!

Spinach & Mushroom Omelette
(serves 1)

3 eggs (or 2 eggs + 1 egg white, depending on your preferences)
chopped baby bella or white mushrooms (about 10 'shrooms)
a generous handful of fresh spinach
a pat or two of butter
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

Crack the eggs into a cup or bowl and beat until mixed well.  Set aside for later.  Using a non-stick skillet, saute the chopped mushroom in some of the butter until cooked (don't over-do it - this should take only 2-4 minutes).  Then add the spinach and saute until it has wilted but not beyond that.  Keeping the mushrooms and spinach to one side of the skillet, add a dab of butter to the open side.  Let it just melt out, then add the egg mixture.  After the egg has set, scoop the mushrooms and spinach evenly onto the egg (the open, non-cooked side), add a dash of salt and pepper, and fold the egg over with the spatula, pressing it down gently onto the skillet.  Let it cook a minute or so more per side, then voila!  Your egg omelette is ready to eat.  Add additional seasonings to your liking.  If you're like me, you'll consume it with either ketchup or sriracha (or both!)

Italian Tofu Scramble (adapted from the blog The Stone Soup)

1 package of extra firm (or firm) tofu, drained and pressed for at least 30 minutes
3 tbp tomato paste
roughly chopped basil
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

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