Monday, May 21, 2012

Vegan Banana Ice Cream

I haven't posted much in the past few months, not only because I was too busy to blog, but also because I was often too pressed for time to prepare interesting dishes! I will more than make up for it now that the semester is over.

Now for a few catch-up posts on dishes and food-related stuff since the last update.

Let's begin with bananas. Bananas are delicious, no? Well, in an effort to preserve quickly-browning bananas, I often slice them up and pack 'em into a plastic container, which I put in the freezer. People often freeze fruit to use for smoothies, but I'm not really into those. I find that, while delicious, smoothies like most liquid calories don't really keep me satiated. However, when frozen, these banana "chips" make for delectable nibbles. There is something about freezing this fruit that makes its sweetness extra-concentrated. 

Knowing how delicious frozen bananas are, I had always wanted to give vegan banana ice cream a go. Finally, about a week ago, I tried it, and it did not disappoint. Recipe after the jump!